What is the best way to approach a woman and get her talking? Read this article to learn EXACTLY what to do, what to say and how to act…
#1 Sign Pick Up Artists Have Gone Too Far…
There are so many men and guys who consider that being a pick up artist PUA for short and choose to use manipulation tactics to get women. In my opinion this is NO GOOD. No good for you, no good for women and no good for dating in general. As a woman, I know these [Continue Reading]
cnet News
How Expert Uses Skype To Help Men Attract Women by Chris Matyszczyk Feb 19, 2011 It’s almost a week since Valentine’s Day and there will be many men who still haven’t gotten over what happened on Monday. Somehow, their date didn’t go as planned. Somehow, their date went home, as wasn’t planned. Somehow, they are [Continue Reading]
How To Get A Girls Phone Number In Under 30 Seconds
How To Get A Girls Phone Number In Under 30 Seconds… So many men that I speak with believe that there are specific rules to follow when it comes to asking for a woman’s phone number. I am here to tell you, there are no such rules. The only rule that you must follow is [Continue Reading]
13 Signs She’s Flirting With You – What It Means When She Winks
I get that we women, can be very confusing with our signals. As a guy, you want answers to the signals a woman puts out, such as “what does it mean when a girl winks at you?”. I can only imagine what goes on in your head when talking to women. We’re pretty damn confusing [Continue Reading]