I just got another AMAZING email that I had to share with you… “Marni, 2 years ago I separated from my wife after almost 30 years of marriage and started working on myself. I didn’t want to be a pick up artist but I wanted to find a high quality woman. Now I find high [Continue Reading]
Contributor: Global Grind
How Soon Is Too Soon? 5 Questions To Ask Before Bringing Your Partner Home For The Holidays Check the Article here: https://globalgrind.com/5191061/how-soon-is-too-soon-5-questions-to-ask-before-bringing-your-partner-home-for-the-holidays/
The Good Men Project
3 Genuine Ways To Build Sexual Tension With a Woman Knowing how to build sexual tension is one of the most important aspects of any romantic relationship. If you’re not building sexual tension with a woman, your relationship with her either just dies or goes to the friendzone. Check out the article here: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/3-genuine-ways-to-build-sexual-tension-with-a-woman/
Contributor: Shape.com
Marni contributed an article to Shape.com. What the Netflix Series ‘You’ Can Teach You About Toxic Relationships Check out the article here: https://www.shape.com/lifestyle/sex-and-love/netflix-you-toxic-relationships
Using Affirmations To Get Over Toxic Relationships
Toxic relationships have been a huge topic of discussion lately. I believe so many of us have battled with toxic relationships throughout our lives, possibly without even knowing it. So I called in the big guns to help out ;). Robert Faulkner, a family and child psychologist. If you have dealt with toxic relationships in the [Continue Reading]
Why The Negativity Bias Is Hurting Your Chances With Women (Science Explains)
It was a Saturday the weather was beautiful so I decided to have my lunch outside. While climbing the deck, I looked down at my feet, and fear shot through my body. I noticed a coiled-up rattlesnake sunning itself. I jumped back and ran faster than light. My heart was beating so hard I thought [Continue Reading]