The Female Perspective On First Dates. I like to have my GF’s over a few nights a month for a good ol’ girls night. Nothing big. Just some wine, a few snacks and great conversation. They always know that I am going to bring up something for them to discuss that I will share with [Continue Reading]
Why are women attracted to rock stars?
Why are women attracted to rock stars? Don’t you just hate that guy at the front of the stage? Or the one thrashing chords out on the guitar? You know! The guy that every woman in the room has her eye on? Rock stars are such an aphrodisiac to women ; that I thought I’d [Continue Reading]
How To Kiss A Girl – JUST GO FOR IT!!!
Just a shorty to prep you for your Valentines day dates on how to kiss a girl! It’s a little video showing you exactly how women think about men who do not take action and go for the kiss. Watch and learn: Honestly, I couldn’t agree with this girl more. Nothing is more unattractive than [Continue Reading]
What The Wing Girl Method Teaches Women
About a year and a half ago, I was working on creating a reality show (about my business) with a very famous female celebrity. At that time, that girl was single and I of course started to dish out advice, guidance and exercises that I give to 1000’s of men around the world every day. [Continue Reading]
How To Be A Natural When Talking To Women
Interview: ‘From awkward interview to natural flow: Richard La Ruina on how to talk to women’ MP3 Download of The Interview Below ‘Just be yourself’ I’d bet my bottom dollar that you’ve been given this advice before. Whether it was from a well meaning friend, nosy bystander, or a relative that cares about you: it [Continue Reading]
Why You Need A Wing Girl!
I knew I onto something when I stared The Wing Girl Method but now it has been scientifically proven!!! According to a recent study, men with PLEASANT women by their sides, are perceived as more attractive. After the study came out I got contacted by one of my favorite Magazines Men’s Health, to tell their [Continue Reading]