If you know me at all, you definitely know that technology and social are NOT my thing. But just like I advise you to push and go out of your comfort system, I always like to do the same. Which is why I am holding my first ever TWITTER EVENT on Thursday May 31 @ [Continue Reading]
How Seduce With Style
Make sure to LIKE this article 🙂 I had to share this with you. I just sent one of my favorite new personal coaching clients Shawn, to go to see Wing Girl and celebrity Stylist Goldie. I am not even going to give my feedback cause I will let you see for yourself BUT it’s [Continue Reading]
Marni’s Mailbag – Rules For Giving Gifts To Women
Marni, Quick question. I remembered from my first meeting with the first girl that she likes “white Roses”. Would it be unwise to give her 1 white rose for the 2nd meeting? – Eddie Eddie, That’s a tough 1 without knowing full details on you feel/think about this girl. Or how she reacts/responds to [Continue Reading]
How To Be Cool With Women
This email that I just received today, could not have come at a better time. It’s a perfect example of re-framing a situation so that you can be cool with women. Eddie is one of my long time members and has been using my materials to learn how to be cool with women. I [Continue Reading]
Marni interviews Morgan Spurlock on his new documentary Mansome. A film about contemporary male grooming and it’s direct ties to modern masculinity.
Marni’s Mailbag – Right & Wrong Way To Express Intentions
I get a couple of hundred emails a day from men all over the world, asking me questions about women. Everything from attraction to dating to sex to relationship and marriage. Wanted to share one with you: Hi Marni, There are so many times I’m out speed dating or on a 2nd date and I’d [Continue Reading]