Not sure if you remember my friend Christian Hudson, but we have done several interviews together on connection and being fearless with women. Well, he and I did another interview on his new favorite topic How to meet a girl and make her want to be your girlfriend. As always with Christian, we had a [Continue Reading]
Do Looks Matter To Women?
Amazing story to share with you guys about the question “do looks matter to women?” Honestly, I think my biggest “eye-roller” comment that I make is when I tell men that looks do not matter to women. But it’s true. I’ve said it a million times that yes looks DO matter, but only in the [Continue Reading] Coverage of The APLA Event
Teasing A Girl The Right Way
Found a great article I wanted to share with you on teasing a girl the right way. The guy who wrote the article highlights the clear distinction between Teasing A Woman Competitively vs. Cooperatively. Really interesting concept and I am happy Chase (the writer) has made the distinction. I have cut and paste the article [Continue Reading]
Live Example of How To Talk To Women & Make Them Feel You Using OSA
I stumbled across some footage that was shot earlier this year at an event I spoke at for a group of 100. Wanted to share it with you, because it gives a great example of my “method for conversation” which I call OSA (Observation, Sharing and Asking). I put quotations around “method for conversation” because, [Continue Reading]
Let’s Just Be Friends???? How To Avoid The Friend Zone Interview With Eric Edgemont
FRIEND, the single worst word in the English dictionary. Well not for everyone. It just sucks when a girl you like suddenly utters this horrible word at you. I know for a fact that you do not want any more female friends (except for me of course) but for some reason you keep finding yourself [Continue Reading]