NOTE: Labor Day Sale Starts Now. Enter Coupon Code: 50offdeal. And get 50% off everything on this site!!! ***** Labor Day weekend’s coming up, which means summer’s almost over… đ Which is somewhat good cause I’m in NYC and sweating my “balls” off, Ha. It’s so damn hot! Something happened to me earlier today and [Continue Reading]
Voodoo Trick That Works On Women
OMG, my husband just voodoo’d me into be excited for him to go for a boys night!!! I basically pushed him out the door and told him to. I understand that men need/want their space and that they want/need time away from their women to be masculine and recharge. BUT even though I may be [Continue Reading]
How To Ask A Woman On A Second Date: Ask Marni
Not sure if you know this or not but I am now the official dating expert for I’m going to be doing weekly Videos for them, called Ask Marni, where men send me in question and I answer them AND I get to keep my top on!!! Not sure if that’s a plus for [Continue Reading]
How To Pass A Woman’s Tests When In A Relationship
Just got the best email ever!! Read below: Hi Marni, I just wanted to thank you for saving my relationship. It’s this girl that I have these immense feelings for, but I somehow managed to fuck up our relationship, so she broke off with me. There was this part of me that was acting as an idiot, but [Continue Reading]
[MP3] Do Women Like Bad Boys, Players Jerks?
I just realized that I the email I sent you on Tuesday did not have a live link in it!! And I don’t want you to have to cut and paste to get your MP3 download of this week’s Ask Women Podcast đ So I’m sending it again and making sure this link is live [Continue Reading]
Understanding Women
My mother sent me a forward the other day called Understanding Women. When I opened it up it was a joke that I’d heard before but find hilarious every time I read it. Just wanted to share it: A man on his Harley was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above [Continue Reading]