Last week I told you all about the guy who failed massively while attempting to pick me up in Mexico. If you didn’t see that post go here: ==> And this week I’m going to tell you about what this one guy did to me that made me chase him and crave for him to [Continue Reading]
What To Say When You Approach A Girl
I totally forgot to tell you my pick up stories from Mexico! They were really good. So one of them is a huge success for a guy and the other was a massive failure. Which should I tell first? Let’s go with the failure. So, I’m all cutesy in my little string bikini, sitting at [Continue Reading]
Advanced Training: How To Attract Women
At this point, you may not have a problem approaching women, getting a GREAT conversation going… and getting more numbers and dates than the average guy 😉 And if that’s the case… NEWSFLASH: You are NO LONGER a beginner in dating! In fact, you’re MUCH MORE advanced than any other guy you’d come across on the [Continue Reading]
Rules For Communicating With Women
FREE MP3 Below Do you know how to communicate with women? Remember, communication does not just mean talking to women. Communication is the full picture of the way you express yourself and who you are to a woman. Communication can be done through touch, body language, words and emotions. Believe it or not, I have created [Continue Reading]
When Is It Okay To Talk Dirty To A Woman?
When is it okay to talk dirty to a woman? This is an area that has been fascinating me for the past week after getting an email from one of my clients, who I will refer to as D. Email: Marni, Thanks for all your advice. I am having too much fun now. I wish [Continue Reading]
What Women DON’T Want and What They Crave From Men
What Women DON’T Want and What They Crave From Men – Watch this video on my blog and it will tell you exactly what women want!