I cordially invite you to join me and the team from The Ask Women Podcast for our first ever LIVE recording of our podcast!! Get your tickets here: ==> https://www.winggirlmethod.com/liveshow To be honest, you may have myself and Kristen all to yourself since we already believe no one will come to this, Ha. Kidding! I [Continue Reading]
A Lesson In Re-Framing; How To Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Have I ever told you about re-framing?? I’m sure you’ve heard of it before, but I want to talk about in terms of attraction, approaching and dating because it’s super important. I’ll tell you a little story first and then I’ll explain why re-framing is important AND how to do it! As I told you [Continue Reading]
How To Be Mysterious With Women and Avoid Being A Douchebag
I got an email recently that perturbed me. It perturbed me because it gave me flashbacks to the many times when I experienced what this guy was asking about BUT from the other end. I wanted to share it with you because hopefully you are not making the same flirting mistake this guy has been [Continue Reading]
Body Language Tips For Men: Don’t Ever Do This With Women
What I am about to explain to you is very important. So PLEASE pay close attention. It’s something that you should NEVER, EVER do to a woman. A guy at the gym did this to me this morning and I wanted to run away from him every time he did it. I have to take [Continue Reading]
Why She Flaked On You – It’s Not Always What You Think
She Blew You Off!!!! What a Biatch right? Well not necessarily. Read on… Has that ever happened to you?? You go on a few dates with a woman. You may kiss her, hold hands, touch… All the good stuff. And she seems responsive. She’s into it as well and seems to be enjoying herself and [Continue Reading]
Great Opener To Say To Women
Are you calling me FAT??? In a few seconds I’ll explain why that sentence totally caught my attention and is a great opening line. So here’s what happened. I was out for a walk and decided to go to Trader Joes to get a little food shop on. I ended up getting a big food [Continue Reading]