Talking to women can be tough. Hell, talking to anyone can be tough. Creating conversation out of thin air, coming up with something interesting to say, being funny… It’s a lot of freaking pressure right??!!! Not anymore. Because my awesome Wing Girl Jessica has created a simple, 3 step conversation mechanism that makes conversation come [Continue Reading]
How Nerds Can Get Girls
Did you know that being nerdy is now the in thing?? Well, it’s true. Maybe it’s because of that show The Big Bang Theory, but women are now totally turned on and attracted to nerdy men. I thought this article on How Nerds Can Get Girls was awesome and wanted to share it with you. [Continue Reading]
Mock Date With A Wing Girl (SKYPE)
Have you ever wondered why you never heard from a girl again, when you thought there was definitely SOMETHING there? Want to know if you are a good date or bad date? Sign up for a Mock Date with a Wing Girl and find out where you are going wrong and how you can change [Continue Reading]
Why Women Love Jerks – Or Do They?
A new friend and wing girl of mine, Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. is going to explain the scientific reason behind why women love jerks! Read her article below and I would love to hear what you think! Why Women Love Jerks~and what you can do about it Do women truly prefer jerks~men who treat them [Continue Reading]
The Chick-Tionary
The Chick-tionary: The Hidden Meaning Behind What Women Say & Do This manual gives the full run down of ALL THE THINGS women say that confuses men, written in dictionary format Includes: Bonus MP3 Interviews with beautiful women revealing what the things they say to men really mean Price: $7.99 [quotcoll id=18] Learn More…
How To Avoid Being Clingy With Women: The Cling Distractor
“He just liked me too much” is exactly what my Wing Girl Karla told me after I asked her “he sounds great, why aren’t you into him?” Words like Karla’s must frustrate you to no end. And I’m sure you’re thinking, how is it bad if a guy likes a girl too much?? Isn’t that [Continue Reading]