Over the past 2 days we’ve covered so many things: The difference between Mr. Creep and the type of guy who women find irresistible How to make your intentions known without being awkward and creepy How to set yourself apart from 99% of the guys out there How to smoothly build sexual tension to the [Continue Reading]
These Simple Words Drive her Wild [Part 2/3]
Yesterday I introduced you to Emily, our fantasy girl next door. I introduced you to Robert, the smooth operator and Mr. Creep, self explanatory – OBVIOUSLY. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t panic! See part 1 here. You’re very welcome.) Their story is fictional but I see it in reality all [Continue Reading]
Mr. Creep vs Mr. Holy S@*t [Part 1/3]
Have you ever flirted with a girl and it was just FILLED with awkward silences, weird looks and went absolutely nowhere? What’s worse is that it left you discouraged, insecure and scared to try your luck with the next girl? I’ll let you in on a little secret about that time you crashed and burned [Continue Reading]
What To Do To Get Her Back – This Worked On Me
Lost her and desperately want to get her back? I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what to do to get her back, but I first wanted to share a story with you about my last break up… I was dating this guy for a few months. He was great and things were going perfectly… And [Continue Reading]
How To Tell If She Likes You and If You Should Pursue Her
Here’s a Quick Tip: If Women Don’t Respond To You… STOP CONTACTING THEM The Media has taught you that women like to be pursued. But the truth is… WE DON’T!! At least, not by someone that we are not attracted to, feel no connection to, and are not excited by. So how are you to [Continue Reading]
If You Want A GirlFriend Read This… How To Select The RIGHT Girl For You
Can you tell if a woman is RIGHT for you?? Do you know what you want in a partner? Do you know how you want that woman to make you feel? Don’t worry if you answer no to all of these questions because a few years ago I didn’t know either… AND actually most people [Continue Reading]