Hope you’ve been enjoying this mini-series on the O.S.A Method. If you’ve missed any of my blogs the last few days, then you should definitely go back and read ’em. Check out Part 1 here and Part 2 here: They’re that good. But here’s a quick recap of what the first two parts of the [Continue Reading]
O.S.A: The Idiot-Proof Method for Approaching Women [Part 2/3]
Yesterday I introduced you to The Wing Girl Method’s “indirectly direct” method for approaching women, the O.S.A. Method. If you missed the blog post then you can see Part 1 here: ==>https://www.winggirlmethod.com/formula-for-approaching-women/ Or here’s a quick recap: The O.S.A Method is an approach technique that allows you to quickly break into a conversation with a [Continue Reading]
O.S.A: The Idiot-Proof Method for Approaching Women [Part 1/3]
WOW… my last few newsletters about being direct with women and clearly asking for what you want were like a roller-coaster of feedback. (If you missed them I’ll be posting them on my blog shortly) Some of you were confused, some of you needed some explanation, but for those of you who got it… I’m [Continue Reading]
Ask Women Podcast Episode 111: Misconceptions Women Have About Men That Are Ruining Your Dating Life
I’ve heard this statement time and time again: “Women have it sooooo much easier. They just have to walk into a room and pick the guy they want.” But is that really true?? Is it REALLY easier for women to date and have sex than it is for men? Listen to this week’s episode of [Continue Reading]
How to Act like a Bad Boy but Actually Be Good
How to Act like a Bad Boy but Actually Be Good (Or what I like to call: Learning from Fifty Shades of Grey*) So, is there an art to shedding the “nice guy” moniker in a woman’s eyes? Absolutely! What the Bad Boy Isn’t Let me start by saying that a bad boy is not [Continue Reading]
How To Influence Girls and Make Them Like You
The Field Guide To Building A Cult Or Connecting With Women All the way back in 1936, a book was published that would affect the future in ways the author most likely never saw coming. Warren Buffett (who’s worth $72.3 billion dollars as I write this) has a certification that he completed this book hanging [Continue Reading]