Should you buy a woman a drink? Depends. First ask yourself a few questions: Are you buying this drink to be a gentleman? Are you buying this drink cause it’s polite? Are you buying this drink so that she won’t run away? Are you buying this drink so she’ll like you? If you answered YES [Continue Reading]
How To Tell A Woman Likes You
Learn to spot the subtle signals women give when they are interested in you.
How To Dress: A Woman’s View On Style (Peacocking)
Why style and what you wear is an important part of your dating life. Read on to find out how to dress to attract women. For those of you not familiar on what “Peacocking” is, it is the action of dressing to stand out, or to have an item of clothing or an accessory that [Continue Reading]
Maintaining Conversations With Women
Tips on how to approach women and maintain conversation.
Wing Girl Outing
Two-On-One Wing Girls Outing ($895, 3 hr, 2 Wing Girls)
We Pick Up Women For You
Ever wish you could get instant feedback on your approach style while out interacting with women? WGM’s Two-On-One Wing Girl Outing gives you that PLUS we pick up women for you! Includes full feedback report and instructions on how to improve your current life with women.
Daily News Los Angeles
Want to bag the babes? Just wing it.