Getting dates and building attraction with beautiful women is easier than you think. Most guys overthink and overcomplicate the dating process. But it actually does not take a lot to date amazing gorgeous women. For goodness’ sake, if Pete Davidson can do it, you can do it too. I’m going to show you three simple [Continue Reading]
Where to Meet 30 Hot Women In 30 Days
Marni, where do I meet more women who are available and ready to talk to me, ready to get down with me? This is a question I get often. And the short answer is women are everywhere. Not just at bars and clubs like most men think. Which I know is an annoying response. But [Continue Reading]
How to Turn Your Awkwardness With Women Into Confidence
I will show you two simple ways to turn awkwardness and nervousness into rock-solid confidence as fast as possible. All right, let me tell you a quick story. It’s Saturday night and this guy named John is out with his buddies and they’re all laughing and having fun and he is the life of the [Continue Reading]
9 Unique Sex Positions Women Are Dying To Try
One of the easiest ways to last longer in bed is simply to choose the right and unique sex positions. Most stamina issues men face are partially due to picking the wrong positions that push you off the edge too quickly. That’s why I want to show you the nine best sex positions that guarantee [Continue Reading]
How To Get Her Wet In Bed
I want to show you how to get her wet in bed using just your words. Touching, and kissing, stimulation, penetration, all play vital roles in the bedroom but you can really drive a woman wild using the power of your words. Only a handful of men know how to do this, and the ones [Continue Reading]
Mindset Problem That Most Guys Have And How To Fix It
Is your brain killing your chances with women? See, most men have a huge problem inside their minds. A problem that forces them to repel women without even realizing it. So if you’ve consumed all the dating advice that you can. Learned all the pickup lines and tricks and to be more interesting and great [Continue Reading]