99% of men who struggled to attract women and frequently end up in the friend zone make one big mistake that they need to correct immediately. My friend Patrick James explained this beautifully in our recent masterclass on how to build sexual tension. So Patrick, if you don’t know him is a world-renowned dating expert [Continue Reading]
5 Sex Techniques Women Beg For
How you thrust has a massive impact on how good the sex techniques are for you and for your partner. Get it wrong and you will disappoint or even hurt her. Get it right and she will be begging for more. And the latter is what I want to help you with today. I’m going [Continue Reading]
How To Approach A Woman When She Is In A Group?
All right, I have a question from a guy who subscribed to my newsletters. Marni, how do I approach a woman when she is in a group and handle the group if they get in my way with her? So he’s been in a couple of situations where he had been talking to a girl [Continue Reading]
4 Connection Building Moves to Build Chemistry with a Woman
Okay, so what makes a woman want to date a man? What’s the most important factor? What move for this connection building with women that are proven to work? Recently, a study was conducted at the University of California, Davis to answer this question. They analyze 6,600 speed dates that they set up and discovered [Continue Reading]
3 Common Conversation Mistakes That Turn Women Off
There are threr common conversation mistakes men make when speaking to a woman that makes an awful impression on her and kills the potential for attraction. These mistakes are subtle and habitual so most guys don’t even realize it but the consequences are major. I want to tell you what these three attraction-killing mistakes are [Continue Reading]
Why Woman Flake On You | #1 Most Common Lie Women Tell Men
Have you ever made plans with a woman and then a day before, or maybe even like an hour before a meeting, she sends you a text saying this: Totally forgot, I have plans to meet my grandmother or somebody and can’t make it. Seems work has called me at the last minute. Can we [Continue Reading]