Your approach to dating could be KILLING your chances of success. Fortunately, the ONE THING most guys get wrong is something that’s super easy to correct. Read this to instantly double or triple your chances of success, starting TONIGHT! This simple trick changes the game, tilting the odds in your favor. I want to share [Continue Reading]
Learn the language of flirting
Are you tired of striking out with women? Instead of going home frustrated after what you thought was a nice date, wouldn’t it be fabulous to take her to bed with you? How do other guys do it and what are you doing wrong? Read THIS to find out! One of the first things I [Continue Reading]
Natalie Portman’s Dating Lesson
If you’ve been spending time with a woman and think things are going well but you can’t seem to make a physical connection, you may have been placed in the dreaded “Friend Zone” without even realizing it. Read THIS to learn how to avoid that trap! So I was just reading an article and it [Continue Reading]
Does She Think You’re Gay?
This is a HUGE problem and a nasty trap many guys fall into. If the women you’re interested in think you’re gay, it’s a sure sign that there’s a problem with your approach. Read on, and I will tell you how to avoid falling into that trap ever again! I was recently talking with a [Continue Reading]
Do THIS When She Says “No Sex Tonight”
How many times have things started off well with a woman you’re talking to, and then, later in the evening you get shut down with the dreaded “Not having sex with you tonight” comment? Read on and I’ll show you EXACTLY how to deal with that! You ever met a woman… flirted for a few [Continue Reading]
Is It Rude To Approach Women?
These days, even approaching a woman can feel like entering a minefield. If you go up and talk to her, will she think you’re a freak? Will she roll her eyes and groan inwardly? Read on and let me blow that entire mindset out of the water! Do you ever see a woman you’d love [Continue Reading]