Look guys, dating is hard and it can be terrifying. It gets a lot easier though, with expert help and advice. Have you ever jumped out of a plane at 15 000 feet? For most people, this would be absolutely terrifying. But for my friend Joe, he can’t get enough of it. Last Saturday we [Continue Reading]
The Fastest Way To Meet Women
If you’re like most guys, you’re busy. You lead a full, active life. It can feel as though you just don’t have TIME to meet women. Click this link to learn how you fix that. Flirt smarter, not harder! One excuse I hear from guys a lot is they don’t have the time to meet [Continue Reading]
Single And Over 40?
If you’re a single man and you’re over 40, you’re probably relying on your maturity and life experiences to interest women. And it’s probably not working, or at least not as well as you’d like. THIS works better. Check it out. Have you ever had one of those lightbulb above the head moments… Where things [Continue Reading]
Escalate Or Be Friend Zoned Forever
Escalating an interaction with a woman is terrifying these days. You don’t want to come off as creepy or worse, be accused of sexual assault, which is why so many men struggle with intent. READ THIS to discover where you’re going wrong! Recently I asked all of my readers what their biggest challenges with women [Continue Reading]
Never Run Out Of Things To Say!
Some guys start strong but then just…run out of things to say, which guaranteed to KILL any attraction that may have been developing between you and the woman you’re talking to. Click here to read my TOP TIPS that will guarantee you never have that problem again! Ever been talking to a woman you really [Continue Reading]
Your Body Language Could Be Killing Your Chances…
There are lots of things that can go wrong when you’re talking to a woman but few things can kill your chances faster than bad body language. Read this to learn the three biggest body language mistakes you could be making… One of the easiest ways to blow your chances with a woman is with [Continue Reading]