A case study reveals that the reality of relationships are not as I said. Then I turn the question around and ask my own question. I’ll ask what type of man you want to be and if you answer correctly, you are invited to join my program to better at attracting women. Hey, I’m coming [Continue Reading]
What women REALLY want (secrets inside) part 2
This is part two of my previous article. It also provides a couple of hints in what women want. Then it turns to direct men to sign up at my program so they can learn how to attract women without really trying that hard. Hey you, SO! In my last Article, I gave you the [Continue Reading]
What women REALLY want (secrets inside) part 1
Get a few teasers telling you some key points in how to treat a woman. It says they need to be leaders, keeping eye contact, and so on. Then this article takes a turn to get the men to sign up at the program I have created to help men be better men. This is [Continue Reading]
How to 10x your attractiveness (NEW)
It is nice to have a word of warning about if you trick a woman to fall in love with you. You have then trapped yourself in a corner and misled her. This information points the way to a training where you can learn how to be who you are and have the woman fall [Continue Reading]
CRITICAL skill (do this NOW)
This program is designed to help men see what they are doing wrong and gives them pointers on how to be better. It also points out that the toxic thinking men do to themselves is what undermines men’s feminine encounters. Hey you! Listen: I’ve coached THOUSANDS of men in dating and seduction. That’s right. Thousands. [Continue Reading]
Get 300 percent more attractive while stuck at home
Find a new strategy to help you meet and spend time with those attractive women you have had your eye on. The key is not working out and making your body into an athletic adonis. Instead you use your mind and the Neuro-Linguistic Programming of your subconscious mind. Basically you are spending your lock down [Continue Reading]