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How To Approach & Meet Women
I am very happy you selected to sign the contract and move forward in your quest to Attract The Women You Want! You've made an excellent choice by investing in this program How To Approach To Women.
I'm sure you'll LOVE it!
There's A LOT of information packed within this entire package but again, I'd like to take a moment and urge you to make FULL USE of them. It's so easy to learn all this and do absolutely nothing about it… so please… commit to yourself today to APPLY it in your life once you're done with it!
How To Get Started :
Each link allows you to download separate individual components.
REMINDER 2 – Before you begin, you will need a Windows/Real Media Player or least an MP3 Player to listen to the Audio materials. Your default Audio Player should be sufficient to play it… but just in case you don't have any one of them, you can easily download and install them for FREE; you can get it here:
You will also need to have an Adobe Acrobat Reader (at least a Version 5.0 and above) in order to open and read your E-Books. If you don't have it already installed, it's FREE and you can get it here: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Don't worry, it's a simple and easy process and can be done in less than a minute!
Your Download Instructions:
STEP 1: Place/point your cursor over the link and click your right mouse button.
STEP 2: Next, select and click on the “Save Target As” function for the menu.
STEP 3 : You will see a window pop up that asks you where you want to save the file – the default file name will be given as a .pdf (adobe acrobat reader format) or MP3 Format Sound for the Audio files. You can either keep the file names as they are or you can simply rename them to your preference.
Once you have done that, just select a directory where you want to save and access the files from and click on “Save” . Make sure you remember which directory you are saving your files in so that you know exactly where to look for to retrieve them.
STEP 4: Some of the files are large, so it may take several minutes to completely download them. It all depends on the speed of your connection to the Internet. Please have some patience; it will definitely be worth the wait.
STEP 5: To open and view the files, simply go back to the directory where you initially saved the files and look for the file name that you have previously saved them under. When you have found them, just double click with your left mouse to open the file.
STEP 6: For movie / video related file with extension ( SWF / FLV ).
After download, try double click on the file. Check and see if your system can play it or not. If you cannot play the video files, download a free Flash Movie Player. It should works.
You will be getting an email shortly from me shortly. Part of the Virtual Wing Girl service is helping you absorb the information you are receiving. Each email you get from me will give you further exercises and information needed to Become A Man Women Want!
At any time you are free to email me and ask me any questions you have about this program or about women. This product is constantly being updated with fresh content. Now that you have purchased this product you will be receiving automatic free updates for life!
So let's get started!
If you have any questions or concerns email me directly.
Address the email to: VIP@winggirlmethod.com
How To Get The 3 Characteristics Women Want
[flv:/media/WhatWomenWantNV91809.flv 480 368]
In case you want to watch this video on your own time you can download and upload to any source you wish.
Download The Video Now! FLV Format
Download The Video Now! MOV Format
Unadvertised Bonuses!
I have a couple of amazing unadvertised bonuses for you. Each bonus will help you further absorb the information and understand why you are doing what you are doing.
Unadvertised Bonus #4
Transcript of How To Become A Man Women Want
Unadvertised Bonus #5 – 12 Minute audio explaining How To Properly Use The Exercises
Case Study: How To Beat Approach Anxiety
Why It's Bad To Pounce On Women
Eye Contact
Help Me Eyes
[flv:/media/helpmeeyesnoending.flv 480 368]
What Makes A Women Feel Attracted To A Man – Karney
Manual For Approaching & Creating Attractive Conversation
Bonus: To become a master at creating charismatic conversation with women, how to work a room etc…. check out WGM's top rated “Conversations with Women” program click here …
How & When To Ask For A Woman's Phone Number
I work with hundreds of men around the world to coach them on How To Become A Man Women Want. Each coaching session includes an MP3 recording. Each of my clients must complete the exercises included in Your Personal Portfolio For Success With Women. One of my clients had an amazing breakthrough when completing his portfolio and he has agreed to let me share our session with you.
- X's list of the type of man he wants to be
- Suggestions on resources on how to create conversation
- Tips on how to approach women and be direct
How To Stop Being Rejected: Combating “The Bitch Shield”
[flv:/media/100-Questions.flv 480 368]
Picking Up At Clubs
Method For Picking Up At Clubs
Bonus – Cheat-sheet for Approaching, Attracting, Dating and Post Date
Includes: Checklist For Success
Download The Signs She's Into You Here!
Unadvertised Bonus #6 – Audio Testimonial With Past Client (50 minutes)
Mike explains the process he went through to get to where he is today with women.
Bonus – How To Increase Social Value
Brad Jackson interviews Marni about games to play at bars and how to find your own Wing Girl
Bonus – How To Increase Social Value
Brad Jackson interviews Marni about games to play at bars and how to find your own Wing Girl