It has been just over a week since the 2009 PUA Summit! I was hoping to give you an instant wrap up on the event but I have been sick. Just a cold so no need to worry but I have been totally drained but now I am back to feeling good and ready to report!
I want to start by saying this years PUA Summit was AMAZING.
26 Top PUA's all in the same room. In the next few weeks you will able to purchase the DVD package of the whole event and don't worry I will let you know as soon as it comes out since there are limited copies available.
This years PUA Summit was focused completely on Sexual Escalation. So every speaker was instructed to provide information on how to take attraction to the next level and give their best tips and tools.
Now before I start giving you my wrap up on the event I want to let you know this was an amazing event with 26 great speakers from all over the world providing useful and detailed information to all attendees that will definitely assist them with getting women to the bedroom.
Having said that I did find that there was one disclaimer missing from the event that should have been mentioned to everyone that was at the PUA Summit.
The disclaimer that states that none of these materials/methods/lines/programs will work for you unless you have a strong confident character to back it up.
I really believe this, and many of the other speakers at the event felt the same way.
The reason there are so many methods out there is because so many people are learning from others, processing the information and then using it to create their own method.
This is what you must do as well. Take in every bit of information you can. Choose what you like and get rid of what you don't like. Try it, practice it and form your own method.
Once you are able to look at materials/methods/lines/programs in this way you feel much better about yourself which will ultimately translate into confidence!
In the past when meeting a lot of the worlds top PUA's I would get very disappointed.
This was because their persona to others was not congruent to the way they actually carried themselves.
Meaning that when I would meet them I could sense their insecurities and self doubt. Therefore I could not understand how they were trying to teach others to be better with women when I could tell how nervous they were talking to me.
I mean, I know I can be intimidating but really?? 😉
As part of my wrap up report I wanted to tell you about some of the presenters that really had an impact on me.
These are people who I felt presented themselves in way that was congruent with their materials. Meaning they actually practice what they preach!
For the next few days I will give you a run down on these people and some of the tips they presented at the 2009 SUMMIT. If you like what you hear, you can check into their material. Do your own research and see if you find them interesting.
Right after I opened the summit with an introduction to the founders of the Summit, Vince Kelvin and Johnny Wolfe, Adam Lyons took the stage.
Now Adam was just recently voted #1 PUA in the world and I have to say they have voted correctly. Adam works with PUATraining out of the UK but they are an international company. I am not very familiar with their materials or Bootcamps but I do know that I LOVED ADAM!!
He is a self proclaimed nerd and you can tell that he was definitely beat up in grade school. BUT he has now transformed himself into a confident, charismatic, charming, comfortable man. A man who just recently got married after years of being with any woman he desired
The main thing I took away from Adam's talk was the importance of justification and planning in advance, which I have talked about many times. It is so important to justify your actions to women so that they can remain calm.
Little information can lead to confusion, fear and unsettled feelings. Provide more information and you can calm a woman's fears in seconds.
For example, Adam was telling a story about taking women home from a bar 4 blocks away from his house. On the way to his house he has to go through a dark alley. He found that many women would turn around or request to go back to the bar once they go that dark alley.
So to combat this he would inform the woman in advance that there was a dark alley they had to walk through. To joke around he would say “Just so you know there will be a dark alley up ahead that we have to walk down. I get a little scared so I may grab on to you for protection.”
To a woman these words calm her and erase all inhibitions. She has been informed she knows what to expect. As well there is an underlying message that comes across from Adam's words. The message is “Don't worry, I got it”.These are the most magical words a woman that allow her to feel safe a secure.
Another great tip that Adam provided was one that will save you time and energy.
It is to use when you are about to go meet a girl for the first time and want to make sure she will actually be there.
It won't stop a flake but it will save you the trip to the bar/coffee shop, the cost for parking and your ego.
About 30 minutes before you are supposed to meet a woman, send her text saying “Running about 5 minutes late. Let me know if that will be a problem”.
This text will either trigger a “I gotta cancel” response, a non response or a an “Totally fine. See you there”response.
It just helps you get a read on the woman you are meeting.
I have been informing all of my clients about this tip and they love it.
I would definitely recommend checking out Adam and his materials. You can Click Here Now or click the link below
Again, I am not familiar with PUA Training which is the company Adam is affiliated with but I do know Adam is fantastic.
Not just fantastic but attractive and definitely someone I would trust when showing me methods of How To Attract Women and How To Get Them Into The Bedroom!
More to come from my PUA Summit Wrap Up Report!