Talking to women can be tough. Hell, talking to anyone can be tough. Creating conversation out of thin air, coming up with something interesting to say, being funny…
It's a lot of freaking pressure right??!!!
Not anymore. Because my awesome Wing Girl Jessica has created a simple, 3 step conversation mechanism that makes conversation come easy, no matter who you are talking to or what you are talking about. AND can make women more interested in you in a matter of seconds.
This conversation mechanism can even make talking about fruit in the product department interesting. I swear!
I wanted Jessica to share a little bit about her system so that you can see just how easy it is to create easy, fun conversation in a matter of seconds with just about anyone. I asked her if she was open to doing an interview with me and she, of course, said yes.
I've posted the interview below so that you can listen. I apologize in advance because the quality is not great. I was having issues with my Skype. BUT that doesn't take away from the amazing information that Jessica shares with on how to easily talk to women everywhere you go.
Listen Here or download below:
I would highly suggest checking out Jessica's program because it's awesome. It explains in more detail what she and I talked about in our interview on how to easily talk to women.