“He just liked me too much” is exactly what my Wing Girl Karla told me after I asked her “he sounds great, why aren't you into him?”
Words like Karla's must frustrate you to no end.
And I'm sure you're thinking, how is it bad if a guy likes a girl too much??
Isn't that what women want???
We don't want you to like us too much, especially in the beginning.
We don't want you to focus all your attention on us and forget about the life you had created prior to meeting us.
We don't want you to text us throughout the day, call us every night and try to make plans every day.
At least we don't want any of this before we feel the same way about you.
Confusing right??
Basically, what I'm trying to get at is that we don't want a man to be sooooo into us, sooooo fast.
It feels needy.
Which are all things that are not attractive to us women.
So what do you do to avoid being seen as needy or weak or CLINGY??
You learn self-control, patience and how to sooth your emotional needs.
In other words, you learn not to pounce on a woman and give her time to miss you, wonder if you like her and be curious as to whether or not she'll hear from you again.
This is exactly what Karla said to me after I asked her to explain what this guy should have done with her so that she didn't lose her attraction for him.
There are many ways you can refocus your pouncing desires, so that they don't land on a woman you just started seeing.
Something I do and that I recommend to ALL my clients is to select a friend that can be your “Cling Distractor“.
Yep. You heard me right.
A Cling Distractor.
This is a friend that you text or call or hang out with whenever you get an itch/urge to contact the girl you just met or just started dating.
This friend is given the sole responsibility of giving you that fix you need to calm your urge to pounce and possibly become too clingy.
You can tell this friend that they are your Cling Distractor or not. But use them to distract you and your emotions from becoming too clingy.
It's not always a complete fixer of soothing your urge, but it's definitely a distraction that could save you from coming on too strong with this girl and being seen as CLINGY.
Select your Cling Distractor well in advance of getting into a situation with a girl so that you have him or her from the start.
I can even be your Cling Distractor.
I'm already doing this for a lot of guys and some of my girlfriends.
If you want me as your Cling Distractor go here:
==> https://www.winggirlmethod.com/offers/email-coaching-program/
That link takes you to a page to sign up for my email coaching program. But you can also use this service to have me as your Cling Distractor.
You can email me when you feel an urge to reach out to a girl you just met or just started to date.
It stops you from over contacting the new girl and saves you screwing things up by over texting, becoming needy or getting too clingy.
Trust me. Getting a Cling Distractor will be the best thing you ever did.