I was watching an episode of Friday Night Lights last night (yes, I know it's no longer on, but I'm Netflix'ing and loving it). In the episode, this awesome guy was given horrible advice on how to talk to girls.
Advice that literally made me gag and want to crawl through my iPad and wring the advice givers neck!
The guy said “Just ignore the girl, don't give her any attention and talk to her like she's a second class citizen.”.
Is this what guys seriously believe??
That in order to get a woman's attention, you should treat her like dirt.
So just in case you are getting similar advice I want to clear something up.
WOMEN do not want to be talked to that way.
WOMEN do not respond to men who talk to them that way.
WOMEN are not turned on by being talked to that way.
If a woman does like to be talked to that way then run for the hills, cause you have some serious baggage you are about to dive into my friend.
The thing is that this guys advice is very extreme and it results in you playing on a woman's insecurities to get her attention.
The less extreme (and proper) version of this Friday Night Lights advice is:
1. Talk to women like any other human being
…but more importantly
2. When you talk to women, don't talk to them as if they are the bees knees, the cats pajama's the…. Hell, I don't know any more of those old school phrases but you know what I mean.
My point is that this “woman” is not the be all and end all of your existence. You had a life before you saw her pretty smile and you'll have a life after it.
So you can give a girl attention but just make sure you're not giving her all your attention and all of your energy.
She's just one girl and you have many other options. Even if you don't, she has to think you do.
Because a needy, eager, DESPERATE man, who gives a woman everything within the first 5 seconds of meeting her, is NOT A MAN SHE WANTS.
Just some food for thought for the weekend 😉
So go out this weekend, talk to women and give them attention BUT not all your attention.
Your time is your time and she is just a blip in your time frame.
Not sure how to express and project to women that you are a man of value who has options?
Then get a copy of How To Become A Man Women Want and download section 3 where I tell you:
1. How to talk to women and project confidence instantly (Part of my manual for approaching and talking to women)
2. What to say to women so that you don't sound creepy (Watch my video on OSA)
3. How to connect through conversation and still turn her on (MP3 with Bill)
…and a ton more!
Click Here here to get your copy now:
Have a great weekend!