I'm about to gift you a freakin' amazing tool, but I want to be sure you use it for good and not for evil. If you can make me that promise, then watch the video below.
IF you don't think you are ready to handle this type of power and could potentially use it with the wrong intentions, then please do not watch it.
Click play to watch the video on how to make women do anything you want:
I thought this video was a perfect example to show you on how easy it is to be direct with women and ask for what you want. NOTE: I am not advising you to be a dick and belittle women. I am advising to be direct and ask for what you want.
The only way to get what you want is by asking for it. Remember the specificity matrix from How To Become a Man Women Want?? The more specific and confident you are when asking for something the better your chances are of getting it!
Women respond to leadership. They respond to a man who asks for what he wants AND they are attracted to it.
Now just because these guys got the numbers does not mean that they also got the date or the sex from these women. What it means is that they confidently got the number and positioned themselves as strong men who assertively go after what they want.
So of course, I now want you to do the same. As I said in the video, I want you to try this out tonight while you are out and about. Even if you aren't going anywhere super social like a bar or an event you can still do it. Do it at the grocery store, the hardware store, the coffee shop, ANYWHERE! But try it. Try that first step and see what happens.
THEN tell me about it!! I want to hear how it goes.
After it goes extremely well 😉 I want you to go buy my book Get Inside Her on Amazon so that you can learn the next steps of what to do with women so you can get them to do anything you want!!
Go here to get it: https://amzn.to/VEGNBs