Got a question burning question about women that you need answered? or just want to get in contact with me or my team? Or need support help?
Below is a list of ways to get in touch with us!
- Support email: Or you can text us: (818) 239-7698 text enabled
- Ask A Question to Marni directly: If you'd like an immediate response from me (Marni), you can sign up for my exclusive MONTHLY email coaching program by clicking here.
Just have 1 question you want me (Marni) to answer? Click here to get it answered by Marni within 48 hours.
You will receive an email after purchase with directions on how to submit your questions.
**See all other coaching options with me and the wing girls here: 1 on 1 coaching OR at home systems. - Media Requests: Please email me HERE
- Other comments/questions for The Wing Girls and Team. Please use the form below.
- Want to schedule a FREE wing girl assessment with us where we help you figure out exactly whats right for you? Apply here
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