Ahhh!! The age-old debate of whether or not penis size matters to women. I've tackled this topic many times and have always come to the conclusion that NO penis size does not matter.
The thing is that many men still believe that penis size matters to women. So this time, I brought in the science guns to tackle this topic. A new friend and wing girl of mine, Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. is going to explain the scientific reason behind why penis size does NOT matter to women. At least not the way you think it does.
Read her article below and I would love to hear what you think!
Penis Size: When it matters, when it doesn’t, and what to do about it
Want a bigger penis?
You’ve got company.
In studies, almost half of self-defined “average-size” men are worried about their penile dimensions. The question guys ask me most often is whether their junk is too teeny. Some have even sent pix! (Yes, really. No, please do not send yours.)
What’s Small?
In the official bell (ball?) curve of penises, scientific measurements show that:
–almost 70% of men’s penises are between 4.6 and 6.0 inches, erect, with a normal girth of 4.8 inches;
—13.5% of men’s penises are between 3.8 and 4.5 inches, and 13.5% are between 6.1 and 6.8 inches;
—and a very few (2.5% at each end of the distribution) are over 6.9 inches or under 3.7 inches long.
And size definitely matters–to men. About 90% of men who think they’re small want a larger penis—as do nearly half of self-defined “average” guys, and 14% of self-described “large” men (greedy bastards!). Sadly, 15% of self-judged “small” men even admit hiding their genitals during sex.
What Do Women Want?
Apparently, most guys buy into the sales pitches promising Sex God status to the hugely endowed, believing the porn industry’s unfavorable comparisons with mere mortals, and the seemingly resultant ecstasy porn stars inspire in their onscreen lovers.
But what do women think about this?
Not much.
First, women’s perceptions of their partner’s size may be more generous than the real-life bell curve!
Hard science finds that almost 67% of women say their guy’s penis is of average size, 27% say it’s large~and just 6% say it’s small.
Let me say that again: A mere 6% of women say their guy’s penis is small.
Yet even then, “small” doesn’t necessarily equal “bad” in most women’s opinions. Yeah, there are a few size queens out there—but not many.
When size matters to women:
Women who have sex just for adventure—a tiny fraction of women!—admit they do it to see whether different sizes make for different sexual satisfaction. Interestingly, these women usually say they don’t like the biggest penises, because there’s not enough, um, wiggle room.
And a statistical few women require pressure against the cervix in order to have an orgasm—meaning they really do require some length, because during arousal, the vagina expands so the cervix takes 5-to-6 inches to reach.
And when it doesn’t:
But the vast majority of women are satisfied with their partner’s penis size. In the USA, 84% of USA women are “very satisfied” with their partner’s size. Just 14% want larger, and 2% want smaller. One-third are satisfied even when they define their partner as “small”!
Upshot? The vast majority of women are totally fine with their partner’s Penis Size. And thus, men’s worries are (usually) pointless, as far as dimensions go.
That’s the science. But it’s also my experience. I’ve been writing about sex and relationships for many years; women and men in 30 countries read my blog and never has even one woman approached me to complain about her partner’s size, nor to ask how she can get her man to be bigger.
Don’t you think that if this were a real concern for women, I would have heard from at least one by now?
What To Do:
It’s true: Just like you guys, we women have sex primarily for physical pleasure, and we’ll often cheat on or leave a lame lay. But the size of your dick is not what we equate with that!
Nope. To judge your sexual prowess, we judge whether you make us orgasm. Which is surprisingly unrelated to your penis, but is related to the following:
Your knowledge and attitude:
How well do you get to know a woman’s individual sexual needs and pleasures?
Every woman is different, a puzzle that no one strategy or technique will put together. Some evolutionary psychologists even think this is a way for women to test whether you will love them enough to stick around. Guys who figure us out pass the test. Men who do Whatever The Hell It Takes pass the test.
Maybe that’s one reason women with smaller partners tend to be more sexually satisfied. Their men know they can’t rely on their penises; they get creative and put in all the effort to make sure their partner reaches climax.
Your relationship with The Clitoris:
Only a fourth of women ever come during penetration. Ever.
That’s because of our size, not yours. Specifically, the distance of a woman’s clit from her vagina is what helps her, or hinders her, from orgasming during intercourse.
So guys who are great lays focus their efforts on the outside of their partner’s body—on the clitoris, which every single penis and tongue and finger in existence can reach.
Still don’t believe me? 100% of women stimulate their clit every single time they masturbate, yet only 20% even occasionally put something in their vagina.
This hints that women think the clitoris is Supremely Important in orgasming. You should, too.
Your relationship with your woman:
A huge part of sexual pleasure for many women is whether the emotional vibe is right; a technically great lover who is emotionally absent can be an empty experience. When we’re in long-term relationship mode, we women want your heart and soul, too.
So—in short 😉 I would advise you to understand that no man has universally got the endowment that women are universally looking for, because there is no “universal” here. But most men have plenty for most women.
And all men can reach the parts of women that really bond us to you: our hearts and our clitorises.
Go forth with confidence and remember that your best sex organs—the ones women really want—are between your ears and within your heart. Figure out what an individual woman wants, rather than what we all want—and then give it to her with love and enthusiasm.
You will be irresistible, and rightly so.
By: Duana C. Welch, Ph.D., is the author of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, releasing on January 7, 2015. See more at https://www.lovefactually.co
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